Your choice of a web host can be one of the determinants oy your website’s success. This means that you have to take some time and effort to be able to decipher which web host is best for you. Whether you are into blogs, news, ecommerce or other endeavors, knowing your goals can be the best way to start your journey to find the ideal web host for your business.

Going over the lots of web hosts that we have today can be truly daunting. You may not readily see what separates them. For example, if you pit Bluehost vs HostGator, you may notice that the two can have all the specifications that you need. You really ha to go deeper when comparing all the web sites before screening one after the other.

Indeed, the choice of a web host can affect your website. You may have to consider the uptime, related services, and customer support, among many others. As important as these considerations is the hosting option that you prefer. It should be available before partnering with a web host. Here are the hosting options that you should decide on.

Shared Hosting


If you are just starting an ecommerce or a blog, a shared hosting may be the best for you. Shared hosting means you will be sharing the server with somebody else. This is the most affordable hosting option so far. But if you think that traffic to your website may increase very soon, you need to know if the web host will allow you to acquire a dedicated space when the need comes.

Dedicated Hosting

In this web hosting option, you have the exclusive use of the entire server. This means you have the full control and you can decide what software you can install.

Reseller Hosting

Some entrepreneurs do business by purchasing a server to rent it out or sell to others. This is called reseller hosting. Reseller hosting entrepreneurs may also upsell other services of the parent web host.

WordPress Hosting

Your WordPress performance and security will be optimized if you for this option. But should you go for this option, know a web the web host that will automatically update your WordPress software when you need to.WordPress

VPS Hosting

VPS hosting is a leveled up version of a shared hosting. You still share a server with other websites, but you can access other services which you alone can use. For those who want a dedicated hosting but are not yet ready, VPS can is an excellent alternative.